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Karte Sportignes



Summer 2025


Before ordering your My Tignes card, remember to ask yourself the two questions below:

1. Is my accomodation provider a My Tignes partner?

If your accommodation provider (professional or private renter) is a My Tignes partner for summer 2025, then you will benefit from a promotional code.

This code must be added at the last stage of the purchase process.


>> See approved accommodation providers

If I am not staying with a ‘classic’ accommodation provider, I contact the owner of my accommodation to make sure that he is a partner.

2. Do i already have My Tignes support from a previous visit?

  • If you have already been to Tignes this summer or in previous years, you have probably kept your My Tignes card. This card can of course be reused. You can then enter its number and order your card online without going to a physical collection point.

  • If you do not have a My Tignes card, you will need to go to a collection point, either to collect your online order or to buy your card directly from one of our sales outlets.

I order my My Tignes card online

Tignes - Unsere partner

Alle Partner